Archives for March 2019

Bury me Deep

When I Die , bury me deep
Ten feet down fast as leap

Place my Math’s book on my head
Tell my teacher that i am dead 

place my Machine book on my chest 
Tell my teacher how I am at rest

Place my DATA in my right hand 
Tell my teacher nothing I understand

Place my Economy book on my left
Tell my teacher I tried my best

Also tell my teachers not to cry 
For they are those who made me die

If You Love Someone

If You Love Someone – THE ORIGINAL QUOTE

If you love someone,

Set her free…

If she comes back, she’s yours,

If she doesn’t, she never was….



If you love someone,

Set her free …

If she ever comes back, she’s yours,

If she doesn’t, as expected, she never was


If you love someone,

Set her free …

Don’t worry, she will come back.


If you love someone,

Set her free …

If she ever comes back, ask her why.


If you love someone,

Set her free …

If she doesn’t come back within some time forget her.


If you love someone, Set her free …

If she doesn’t come back,

continue to wait until she comes back …


If you love someone,

Set her free …

If she comes back, and if you love her still,

set her free again, repeat ….

Java Programmer:


      she.setStatus (Status.FREE);

if(she == NULL);

      She she = new She();

Animal-Rights Activist:

If you love someone,

Set her free,

In fact, all living creatures deserve to be free!!


If you love someone,

Set her free,

Clause 1a of Paragraph 13a-1 in the Second

Amendment of the Matrimonial Freedom

Biologist :

If you love someone,

Set her free,

She’ll evolve.

Statisticians :

If you love someone,

Set her free,

If she loves you, the probability of her coming

back is high

If she doesn’t, your relation was improbable


Schwarzenegger’s fans:

If you love someone,

Set her free,


Over possessive person :

If you love someone

don’t set her free.


If you love someone

set her free


and look for others simultaneously

Psychologist :

If you love someone

set her free

If she comes back her super ego is dominant

If she doesn’t come back her id is supreme

If she doesn’t go, she must be crazy.

Somnambulist :

If you love someone

set her free

If she comes back it’s a nightmare

If she doesn’t, you must be dreaming.

ERP functional expert :

If you love someone

set her free

If she comes back, map her into your system

If she doesn’t, carry out a gap-fit analysis

Finance expert :

If you love someone

set her free

If she comes back, its time to look for fresh loans

If she doesn’t, write her off as an asset gone bad.

Marketing Specialist :

If you love someone

set her free

If she comes back she has brand loyalty

If she doesn’t, reposition the brand in new market

Why A Woman Need a Husband

A Woman goes to a Psychiatrist and complains: “I don’t want to marry. I am educated, independent, and self sufficient. I don’t need a husband. But my parents are asking me to marry. What do I do?”

Psychiatrist replied : “YOU, undoubtedly will achieve great things in life. But somethings inevitably will not go the way you want. Somethings will go wrong. Sometimes you will fail. Sometimes your plans won’t work. Sometimes your wishes will not be fulfilled. Then who will you blame?
Will you blame Yourself?”

Woman: “NO!!!”

Psychiatrist: “Yes… That’s why you need a Husband!”

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