Parrot and Magician

A magician on a cruise liner had a parrot, who'd seen all the magician's tricks a million times, long ago having figured out the magic behind the magician's disappearing acts. The parrot got bored, his owner growing stale and not developing any … [Continue reading]

Traffic Signal and Camera

A man was driving. He passed a traffic camera and saw it flash. Fearing being caught speeding, he turned around and going at snails speed, he passed it. Again it flashed.He thought it must have a fault and went home. Next day he received 2 traffic … [Continue reading]

I will have to Kill You

During a recent vacation in Las Vegas, a man went to see a popular magic show. After one especially amazing feat, a man from the back of the theater yelled, "How'd you do that?" "I could tell you, sir", the magician answered, "But then I'd have … [Continue reading]

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